Lisebelisoa tsa U-bolts ke life?

Re bona mefuta eohle ea liboutu bophelong ba rona.Liboutu tse bonoang ke batho ba bang li batla li bōpehile ka U?Ho hakanngoa hore motho e mong le e mong o tla ba le matšoao a mangata a lipotso le matšoao a ho makala, 'me batho ba bang ba bile ba ipotsa hore na ke hobane'ng ha U-bolts e le U-shaped?Pele ho tsohle, re hloka ho utloisisa lintlha tsa mantlha le libaka tsa ts'ebeliso ea li-U-bolts.Re ka utloisisa hamolemo hore na ke hobane'ng ha U-bolt e le sebopeho sa U.

bolt ea teraka ea teraka

Lintlha tsa mantlha mabapi le li-U-bolts:

U-bolts li bōpehile joaloka au, kahoo li bitsoa U-bolts.Lipheletso ka bobeli tsa khoele li ka kopanngoa le linate.Li sebelisoa haholo-holo ho lokisa lipeipi tsa metsi le liphaephe tse ling kapa liliba tsa makhasi a koloi.

Tlhahisoleseding e mabapi le U-bolts e re fa kutloisiso e molemo ea li-bolts tsa U-bolts: Thepa ea thepa, letsoalo, matla a feto-fetohang, matla a ts'usumetso, matla a khatello, modulus ea elastic le matla a thata a U-bolts a ikemiselitse ho latela tikoloho ea kopo, ho hanyetsa mocheso le mmala. .

Tšebeliso ea U-bolt: E sebelisoa haholo bakeng sa liphaephe tsa metsi le liphaephe tse ling tse tsitsitseng kapa lipoleiti, tse kang ho aha le ho kenya liliba tsa makhasi a likoloi, likhokahano tsa mechine, likoloi, likepe, marokho, lithanele, literene, joalo-joalo.

Libōpeho tse ka sehloohong: semicircle, sekwere-angled ka ho le letona, kgutlotharo, kgutlotharo e oblique, jj.

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Libaka tsa ts'ebeliso ea li-U-bolts ke tse latelang: Hangata li-U-bolt li sebelisoa ka literaka ho tsitsisa chassis le foreimi ea koloi.Ka mohlala, liliba tsa makhasi li kopantsoe ke U-bolts.Li-U-bolts li na le mefuta e mengata ea ts'ebeliso, joalo ka kaho le ho kenya, khokahano ea likarolo tsa mochini, likoloi, likepe, marokho, lithanele, literene, joalo-joalo.

Ho tsoa ts'ebelisong ea U-bolt e kaholimo, re shebana haholo le sebaka se le seng sa koloi.Rea tseba hore li-U-bolts li sebelisetsoa ho boloka chassis le foreimi ea koloi.Ho tloha ntlheng ena, re ka ithuta hore likarolo tse ling tsa eona li sirelelitsoe ka li-U-bolts.Joalo ka ho belesa kapa dintho tse boima bo feteletseng le ho wela fatshe.Bapala ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ea compression, tsena ke tse ling tsa litlamorao tsa eona.

Theknoloji ea ho sebetsa ea liboutu tse bōpehileng joaloka U ka kakaretso e arotsoe ka liboutu tse entsoeng ka serame le liboutu tse entsoeng ka ho chesa.U-bolts kapa fixing bolts ke likarolo tse sa tloaelehang.Sebopeho se na le sebopeho sa U, se tsejoang hape e le U-bolt.Lipheletso ka bobeli tsa khoele li ka kopanngoa le linate.Liphaephe tse tsitsitseng tse kang liphaephe tsa metsi kapa liliba tsa makhasi a koloi li bitsoa liboutu tsa ho palama hobane ntho e tsitsitseng e tšoana le motho ea palameng pere.

Qetello: Re na le li-U-bolt tse ngata bophelong ba rona.Li-U-bolt li hlile li tlisa boiketlo bophelong ba rona, joalo ka tse sebelisoang likhareteneng tse nyane le tse sebelisoang lipalangoang ho fokotsa ts'oenyeho.

Lintlha tse ka holimo li mabapi le ho kenngoa ha U-bolts.E le e 'ngoe ea li-fasteners tse sebelisoang ka ho fetisisa, sehlahisoa sena se hloka ho hlokomeloa le ho hlokomeloa kamehla nakong ea tšebeliso ea sona ka lebaka la bohlokoa ba phello ea sona, e le hore se ka bapala karolo ea sona hantle.phello.

Nako ea poso: May-24-2022